Lucy A to Z : The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia

Michael Karol

Praise for the updated 2012 Kindle edition of Lucy A to Z: The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia "Very important. Fresh insights. The most detailed-and most enjoyable-book available on Lucille Ball. A must-have.".

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-Laura Wagner, Classic Images "As we are producing the I Love Lucy 50th Anniversary Special, [Lucy A to Z] has been a godsend." -Lucie Arnaz, 2001 letter to author "[Lucy A to Z is a] compound of insight, fact, and trivia." -Stefan Kanfer, author, Ball of Fire "This new Fourth Edition of Lucy A to Z is a wonderful read and I'm very pleased to recommend it to everyone." -Wanda Clark, Lucille Ball's personal secretary "If you need any 'splainin' about Lucy' life and career, you'll find it here!" -Craig Hamrick, author, The TV Tidbits Classic Television Trivia Quiz Book